This is exactly what I was looking for the other day.  Like if a Tooltip and
a Modal had a baby.

Some features that would be useful: (wishlist)

  1. Optional header to drag/move.
  2. Optional X to make it go away.
  3. Optional Opacity settings.
  4. Show options (like fadeIn or SlideDown, with easing of course!  -
  if included)
  5. optional resizable
  6. Optional specific height/width with scrollbars if the content is
  bigger than the height/width
  7. Easy CSS to handle when you mouseover the tip area.  So the tip
  would add a class called "tipHover".
  8. Easy CSS for the tip, including way to make drop shadow.
  9. Optional rounded corners (using curvy coners?)
  10. Babysit my kids

Are the the kinds of ideas you mean?


On 6/28/07, bingo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am trying to develop a plugin that extends jtip.  So you see a new
floating div on mouse over but you can also click on links and buttons
available in the new floating box. But if you are mouse is neither on
the original link or within the floating box, then hide the floating
box. I think the best example is to give is of GMail. If you have used
GMail, you must be familiar with the functionality where you hover
your GTalk contact list and it shows details. You can click on any
button available in the floating box and once your mouse moves out of
the original link and the floating div, the floating div vanishes.

I tried hacking jtip but nothing worked. Can someone help me with new


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