Bravo.  Excellent.
I love when plugins work on top of one another.
How about using HoverIntent to make the rollover wait until you put the
mouse over slow?


On 6/28/07, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

GianCarlo Mingati wrote:
> $("div#mygaltwo").slideView({ easeFunc: "backinout", easeTime: 1200,
> toolTip: true });
> et voilà, you get a gallery.
Now, how cool is that? Great stuff. I love the backinout easing. I
consider integration of plugins the toughest part of all plugin
development, nice to see some great work getting done on that matter :-)

On a side note: Would you mind replacing "plugin developed by" with my name (adding an anchor if you like)?

Jörn Zaefferer

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