i guess ur problem is that, u r not wrapping the entire code within document.ready(). try this, this works perfectly fine.
$(function() { $("a.mylink").click(function(){ $(this).find("div:visible").fadeOut(); return false; }); }); On 6/28/07, thilothamm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi I was trying to adress relatively from this. example... <a class="mylink"> <div class"div01"></div> <div class"div02"></div> <div class"div03"></div> </a> lets say "div02" is visible the other divs are not I TRIED LIKE THIS, BUT IT DOESNT WORK $("a.selectlink").click(function(){ $(this).$("div:visible").fadeOut(); }); I want to have all the visible divs in $(this) I tried $(this).find(":visible") and $(this).children(":visible") but none worked How do I get anything specific relative from this ( not just the "parent()" or "next") )