Last year almost, I set out to create a grid control with jQuery. Time has passed, and I thought I'd revisit the project. I'd like to ask what grid controls are available to jQuery and if you feel there is space for a another one.

Furthermore, I want to create an editor. I've been teaching people to use WordPress. I sense a need for something that is somewhat between semantic and WYSIWYG. In my work, people want to insert pictures, have them as a block, or float left or right. They are writing documents with inserted data elements, and they are going to delegate the styling to the template of the blog. A typical WYSIWYG editor makes this too complicated.

I'm calling this project Doric, and describing it as a column editor. All my writing is in blog or Wiki. I want to mash up content in a post.

What existing grids and rich editors are available that are jQuery based?

Alan Gutierrez | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | 504 717 1428
Think New Orleans |

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