I agree! You guys are the shizz! :o)


Marshall Salinger wrote:
> Congratulations jQuery team. You guys rock!
> The news about jQuery UI is really exciting, I can't wait to test it out.
> Thanks,
> Marshall
> John Resig wrote:
>> Hi Everyone -
>> I'm pleased to announce the release of jQuery 1.1.3. After many months
>> of testing, developing, and more testing, we have a very solid release
>> available for download. It comes with roughly 80+ fixed bugs and a
>> handful of enhancements for good measure. Highlights include:
>> 1. Improved speeds, with DOM traversal over 800% faster than in 1.1.2.
>> 2. A re-written event system, with more graceful handling of keyboard
>> events.
>> 3. A re-written effects system (with an accompanying fx test
>> suite), featuring faster execution and better cross-platform support.
>> Full list of fixes:
>> http://dev.jquery.com/report/15
>> Download:
>> * jQuery 1.1.3 (Compressed, 20KB)
>> http://code.google.com/p/jqueryjs/downloads/detail?name=jquery-1.1.3.pack.js
>> * jQuery 1.1.3 (61KB)
>> http://code.google.com/p/jqueryjs/downloads/detail?name=jquery-1.1.3.js
>> * jQuery 1.1.3 (Docs, Source Code)
>> http://code.google.com/p/jqueryjs/downloads/detail?name=jquery-1.1.3-release.zip
>> As always, if you find any bugs with this release, please post them to
>> the jQuery Bug Tracker.
>> 1.1.3 Features
>> Massive Selector Speed Improvements
>> Due to popular demand, we dug deep and made some major changes to
>> jQuery's selector engine. Here's a breakdown of the speed improvements
>> that were made to jQuery itself. All numbers are based on the
>> SlickSpeed test suite.
>> http://dev.jquery.com/~john/slickjq/
>> Browser jQuery 1.1.2 jQuery 1.1.3 % Improvement
>> IE 6 4890ms 661ms 740%
>> Firefox 2 5629ms 567ms 993%
>> Safari 2 3575ms 475ms 753%
>> Opera 9.1 3196ms 326ms 980%
>> Average improvement: 867%
>> Additionally, we tested the improved code base against some of the
>> other popular selector libraries, again with the SlickSpeed test
>> suite.
>> http://dev.jquery.com/~john/slick/
>> Browser Prototype jQuery Mootools Ext Dojo
>> IE 6 1476ms 661ms 1238ms 672ms 738ms
>> Firefox 2 219ms 567ms 220ms 951ms 440ms
>> Safari 2 1568ms 475ms 909ms 417ms 527ms
>> Opera 9.1 220ms 326ms 217ms 296ms 220ms
>> A couple things to notice when looking at the speed suite results are
>> that:
>> * We're over 800% faster than we were in jQuery 1.1.2.
>> * We're the fastest framework in the most popular browser,
>> Internet Explorer 6.
>> * We're the only framework that doesn't give incorrect results.
>> * And all of this comes at no expense to you ― jQuery is still the
>> same 20KB that you've come to expect and enjoy.
>> New Selectors
>> Unicode Selectors: This is a huge addition for those of you who want
>> to use Unicode attribute values, IDs, class names, or tag names. You
>> can now use them directly in jQuery selectors:
>> $("div.台北")
>> $("div#台北")
>> $("foo_bar台北")
>> Escape Selectors: A frequently requested feature you can now select
>> elements by ID (or other selector) that uses a special character, for
>> example this will find the div that has the ID of "foo.bar":
>> $("div#foo\.bar")
>> Inequality Selector: While this selector isn't part of the CSS
>> specification, it's frequently used and included in other selector
>> libraries, so we decided to add it in:
>> :nth-child() improvements: This selector allows you to locate specific
>> child elements. We've supported selectors like :nth-child(1) and
>> :nth-child(odd) since the beginning of jQuery, now we've added
>> advanced :nth-child selectors, such as:
>> $("div:nth-child(2n)")
>> $("div:nth-child(2n+1)")
>> $("div:nth-child(n)")
>> Space-separated attributes: After being removed in jQuery 1.0, this
>> selector has now been brought back by popular demand. It allows you to
>> locate individual items in a space-separated attribute (such as a
>> class or rel attribute).
>> Animation Improvements
>> Speed: Animations are now significantly faster and smoother.
>> Additionally, you can run more simultaneous animations without
>> incurring any speed hits.
>> Testing: We now have a dedicated test suite for animations ― which has
>> allowed us to fix a number of pressing animation bugs that weren't
>> previously locatable.
>> DOM Event Listeners
>> Internally, the jQuery Event system has been overhauled to use the DOM
>> Event system, rather than the classical "onclick" style of binding
>> event handlers. This improvement allows you to be more unobtrusive in
>> your use of the library (not affecting the flow of other libraries
>> around it). Additionally, it helped to resolve some of the outstanding
>> issues that existed with binding event listeners to IFrames.
>> Event Normalization
>> Some great steps have been taken to normalize keyboard and mouse
>> events. You can now access the event.which property to get most
>> details about the specific key or button that was pressed.
>> Multiple .is()
>> The .is() method can now take multiple selectors, separated by a
>> comma. This allows you to test your jQuery set against multiple
>> selectors.
>> $("div").is(":visible, :first")
>> Browser Version
>> A commonly requested feature, by plugin authors, was a way to
>> determine what browser version their users were using. We now expose
>> an extra property through which this information can be accessed.
>> jQuery.browser.version
>> More Bug Fixes
>> Please see the ticket listing for the full list of all issues resolved
>> in this release.
>> http://dev.jquery.com/report/15
>> The Future of jQuery
>> We've been very concerned with the direction and progress being made
>> towards furthering the jQuery project. We're focusing on a number of
>> different aspects now, but the primary concern is still the
>> advancement of the core jQuery library. We've spec'd out the next two
>> releases, which you can read more about below:
>> jQuery 1.1.4
>> This will be the last release of the jQuery 1.1 branch - another bug
>> fix release with some minor improvements. This release will also mark
>> a number of methods as deprecated, in accordance with the upcoming
>> jQuery 1.2 release.
>> We're currently planning on having this release take place at the end
>> of July.
>> jQuery 1.2
>> This will be the next major release of jQuery, containing a
>> significant number of new features. The full details of this release
>> can be found in the jQuery 1.2 Roadmap.
>> http://docs.jquery.com/JQuery_1.2_Roadmap
>> Your comments and feedback on this release are greatly appreciated.
>> It's still in planning, so nothing is completely final. We're
>> currently planning on releasing jQuery 1.2 by the end of August.
>> jQuery Books
>> We're now up to 4 jQuery books being written and, just as importantly,
>> they're all being written by members of the jQuery team (so you'll
>> know that you're getting good information).
>> The books and their authors are as follows:
>> * Learning jQuery by Karl Swedberg and Jonathan Chaffer - due out
>> early July 2007 (Packt Publishing).
>> http://www.packtpub.com/jQuery/book/mid/100407j4kh3d
>> * jQuery Reference Guide by Karl Swedberg and Jonathan Chaffer -
>> due out Summer 2007 (Packt Publishing).
>> * jQuery Quickly by Yehuda Katz and Bear Bibeault (Manning Publishing).
>> * Designing with jQuery by Glen Lipka (Manning Publishing).
>> This is really fantastic news. I've been able to read some of the
>> pre-release chapters and I think you're going to be in for a real
>> treat with these books.
>> jQuery Talks and Conference
>> I'd like to announce some talks being given about jQuery in the
>> upcoming months. Specifically, there will be a number of talks given
>> about jQuery at both of the Ajax Experience conferences.
>> http://ajaxexperience.techtarget.com/
>> At the San Francisco Ajax Experience, John Resig will be giving an
>> introductory overview to jQuery followed by an advanced jQuery talk.
>> Glen Lipka will be giving a talk on designing with jQuery.
>> At the Boston Ajax Experience, John and Glen will be presenting again,
>> and will be joined by Paul Bakaus to give a talk on developing intense
>> applications and games with jQuery.
>> Since there's going to be quite a few members of the jQuery team at
>> the Boston Ajax Experience, we'd like to announce that we're planning
>> on doing a small, one day, jQuery Conference the next day after the
>> Ajax Experience. This will be the perfect opportunity for you to meet
>> the jQuery team and ask any nagging questions that you have. We'll
>> also be giving a number of talks about specific aspects of jQuery.
>> We'll have more details about this soon.
>> jQuery UI
>> Today, we're also pleased to announce a secret project that we've been
>> working on: jQuery UI. This project, being written by Paul Bakaus, is
>> a whole new Drag & Drop library being developed from the ground up
>> with speed and extensibility taken into consideration. Additionally,
>> great care is being taken to have the code be fully documented and
>> tested ― allowing many other developers to use and help extend it.
>> This library will contain full code for Draggables, Droppables,
>> Sortables, Resizables, and a Slider.
>> You can take a look at some of Paul's early work in the SVN repository.
>> http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/plugins/ui
>> Funding and Thank You
>> The new jQuery UI library marks a new step for the jQuery project:
>> This is a piece of code whose development we're sponsoring using money
>> donated by you, the jQuery users!
>> This is being made possible in two ways: first by your continued
>> support and donations to the jQuery project, and second by a generous
>> server donation by Media Temple. This is allowing us to focus our
>> financial resources on other projects that'll benefit everyone the
>> most.
>> So I'd like to take this opportunity to request additional donations
>> to help us continue funding exciting new work that you'll be able to
>> use in your web sites. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>> http://docs.jquery.com/Donate
>> http://www.mediatemple.net/
>> Once again, I'd like to thank the jQuery team and everyone who has
>> helped to make this release possible. It's been a lot of work, but I
>> hope you'll be as pleased with this release as we are. Thank you ― and
>> thanks for using jQuery!
>> --John


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