
alert( $(this).attr('id') );

On 7/2/07, Phil Glatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm building a dynamic table, assigning each row a unique ID based on
the value of the counter, and trying to display the row id in an alert
box when a row is clicked:

  $(function() {
    for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
      var row_id = 'row' + i;
      var rw = '<tr id="' + row_id + '"><td>row ' + i + '</td></tr>';
      $('#t1').append (rw);
      $('#t1 tr#' + row_id).click( function()
{ alert(row_id); } );

The problem is that although I get a different row_id for the id of
each row, the alert box is always displaying "row4". I understand why
this is happening; this was the value at the last pass through the

What can I do to have it display the correct value?

Benjamin Sterling

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