Ganeshji Marwaha wrote:
The tabs plugin expects the html markup in a certain structure...
Recently the plugin has more flexibility towards the markup structure, nevertheless, you need to set that up correctly in order for it to work.. For starters, a couple of pointers are
1. you will have to include the js file. - which i am sure u have done
2. you will have to include the css file. There is an IE version for the css file as well, which you might want to include with conditional comments. 3. you will have to place the tabs image in the correct folder. Look for the relative path for tab.png in the css file. If these didnt help, we will be more than glad to help if you could post a test page somewhere, where we can have a look. That will help to debug ur problem very efficiently. -GTG

Ganeshji, thanks for your assistance. Theres's one little thing I
d like to add:

Maybe the id ("container"), e.g. the selector in use just isn't correct. Make sure that it actually matches the element that contains the markup required for tabs.


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