If you have updated to jQuery 1.1.3 you can use the new behavior plugin. It
attaches events based on the selector even after the DOM has been updated.


Brandon Aaron

On 7/3/07, DXCJames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am building a app that has a lot of $.posts so it requires me to
rebind alot.. for some reason i have an infinite loop in IE but not FF
and i cant figure out how it happened.. anyway.. do you think instead
of binding functions to the locations, just using onclick="" and just
having functions for the actions? which would take out the need to
rebind every time something loads something, which by the way happens

I could always leave the things that have no need to be rebound
alone.. and have the other actions be functions that are called by
from onclick, onkeypress, ect.

Thanks in advanced!!!

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