Hi Nik,

WebTrends is a commercial application that must be paid for. If you
(or your client) do not have a paid license from WebTrends, then there
is no way to use it. WebTrends sells versions of its software that
they host for you and also versions that you can install on your own
web server(s). As far as I know, WebTrends has no free version.

You may have seen the SmartSource code I pasted in an earlier thread.
That code is of no use to anyone else (except my client) since it has
been customized (slightly) to work with my client's WebTrends

As an alternative, for free website statistics and user tracking, I
recommend you look at Google Analytics. It works a little differently,
but it does basically everything WebTrends does (probably more).
Other, more simple user tracking software (for a small, monthly fee)
include Mint and CrazyEgg.

Take care,

On Jul 5, 2:41 am, nik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I need to use web trends tracking for a web-site...can anybody suggest
> me how to perform the task....do i need to use webtrends software for
> that or placing smartsource data code on all webpages would work....as
> i'm working on this for the first time....can anyone of u volunteer to
> tell me what all i need to do....starting from step one (though i do
> could find the complete smartsource data collection code in the
> forum).........shall be grateful to u guys.........
> Thanx & regards
> Niks....

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