that came up a while ago.... I added a patch to jQuery ajax.js that enables
you to roll your own encoding... and it makes the source smaller! It is
scheduled (I hope) to go in to jQuery 1.2

down towards the bottom:

pair is new, and param was changed... we've used it for iso8859-1 encoding,
you should be able to use any custom encoding, if you add your own pair

$.fn.pair =  function(f,v) {return encodeURIComponent(f) + "=" +

is the new core function... you just need a function to encode utf into

On 7/5/07, Rhapidophyllum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think you don't have to change the entire server setting, but header
information in your individual server responses should be set to gb.

On Jul 4, 2007, at 11:29 AM, Guoliang Cao wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using jQuery 1.1.3 in my AJAX-based game viewer. I download game
> data through ajax calls. Game data are mostly encoded in gb2312. I
> currently have a problem: if I don't change the server side setting to
> send data in gb2312 format, I got unreadable characters on client
> side. Is it possible to set encoding/charset when I make an ajax call?
> The reason I don't like to change server side setting is I want to
> minimize the effort of installing my application to any web site.
> For those who are interested, here is my game viewer:
> Thank you.
> Guoliang

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