Hi Abba,

Part of the problem has been that when we announced jQuery v1.1.3, we got a ton of traffic from Digg, Reddit, Ajaxian & Dzone. Anytime you get that much traffic, you're bound to have some instability.

It would be helpful if you could list out the errors that you're receiving so we can try to address them. Without that, it makes it kind of tough to troubleshoot the problems. I personally have had no issues getting to the site and navigating around so when you see an error, could you please jot it down and submit it?



abba bryant wrote:

I can bring up the homepage finally ( was down earlier as well ) but the docs
/ plugins / blog / dev site are all generating a variety of errors ( all
seem to be that local mysql access isn't working at the host )

How am I supposed to play with the new behaviors when I can't see the
project?!! I can't stay up all night waiting for it to come back online so I
guess I will have to stop being an insomniac fanboy and wait until tomorrow
( or whenever the team fixes the issue )

I have also noticed a LOT of downtime on the blog lately.

Abba Bryant

BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775-1111 (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

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