Oh, never mind, it was my fault.  :)  The first queue that gets
created is assigned the number 0, which of course evaluates as false,
so th thisQueue? test was returning false even when a queue had been
created if that queue had a number of 0

On Jul 6, 2:52 pm, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Closer investigation seems to reveal that the first time an fxqueue is
> invoked the animations placed in the queue all happen concurrantly as
> if they were not queued up.  For some reason this doesn't happen on
> subsequent invokations and all the animations queue up as they
> should.  I hadn't noticed this at first because I had deliberately fed
> a large number of elements into the test code for stress testing and
> the animation tended to be choppy under these curcumstances anyway.
> Dropping to a smaller number of elements more typical of what would be
> expected in everyday use revealed the problem.
> On Jul 6, 10:47 am, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In the application I am developing I have been using Erik's excelent
> > effects queueing plugin to que classes of animations up one after
> > another.  My code for setting up the effects queueing was as follows:
> > {
> >         var animList    = new Array;
> >         var thisQueue   = null;
> >         // Get elements to show and hide
> >         var elemsToMove = $('.move');
> >         var elemsToHide = $('.hide');
> >         var elemsToShow = $('.show');
> >         // Hide all shown elements that are marked as unselected
> >         var thisQueue   = $.fxQueue.start ({
> >                         selector                : elemsToHide,
> >                         effect                  : self.hide,
> >                         params                  : ['slow'],
> >         });
> >         // Move all selected elements to new locations
> >         $.fxQueue.add (thisQueue, {
> >                         selector                : elemsToMove,
> >                         effect                  : 'moveProducts',
> >                         params                  : ['slow'],
> >         });
> >         // Show all hidden elements that are not marked as unselected
> >         $.fxQueue.add (thisQueue, {
> >                         selector                : elemsToShow,
> >                         effect                  : self.show,
> >                         params                  : ['slow'],
> >         });
> > };
> > This worked okay, but then an issue arose where if users operated the
> > form controls while the animations were playing then weird stuff would
> > happen.  I thought I'd just disable the form when the user starts an
> > animation and reenable it when the animation ends.  I had to rewrite
> > my function a little to make sure that the last item in the queue and
> > only the last item reenabled the form so I rewrite it like this (I'm
> > using alerts to stand in for the form enable statement as they make
> > the problem more visible)
> > {
> >         var animList    = new Array;
> >         var thisQueue   = null;
> >         // Build animation action list
> >         if (elemsToHide.length > 0)
> >                 animList.push ({
> >                         selector                : elemsToHide,
> >                         effect                  : self.hide,
> >                         params                  : [self.hideSpeed]
> >                 });
> >         if (elemsToMove.length > 0)
> >                 animList.push ({
> >                         selector                : elemsToMove,
> >                         effect                  : 'moveProducts',
> >                         params                  : [self.moveSpeed]
> >                 });
> >         if (elemsToShow.length > 0)
> >                 animList.push ({
> >                         selector                : elemsToShow,
> >                         effect                  : self.show,
> >                         params                  : [self.showSpeed]
> >                 });
> >         if (animList.length > 0)
> >         {
> >                 // Tag the final item in the queue with the done callback
> >                 animList [animList.length - 1].callback = function (){alert
> > ('done');};
> >                 animList [animList.length - 1].callbackOnce = true;
> >                 // Create effects queue
> >                 while (animList.length > 0)
> >                 {
> >                         thisQueue?
> >                                 $.fxQueue.add (thisQueue, animList.shift 
> > ()):
> >                                 thisQueue = $.fxQueue.start (animList.shift 
> > ());
> >                 }
> >         }
> >         else
> >                 alert ('Nothing to do');
> > };
> > I found this causes a problem in that the callback function that I
> > thought would only be triggered at the very end of the sequence got
> > triggered at the end of every step in the sequence.  This would lead
> > to the form being reenabled prematurely.
> > I tried the following change:
> > {
> >         var animList    = new Array;
> >         var thisQueue   = null;
> >         // Build animation action list
> >         if (elemsToHide.length > 0)
> >                 animList.push ({
> >                         selector                : elemsToHide,
> >                         effect                  : self.hide,
> >                         params                  : [self.hideSpeed],
> >                         callback                : function (){},
> >                         callbackOnce    : true
> >                 });
> >         if (elemsToMove.length > 0)
> >                 animList.push ({
> >                         selector                : elemsToMove,
> >                         effect                  : 'moveProducts',
> >                         params                  : [self.moveSpeed],
> >                         callback                : function (){},
> >                         callbackOnce    : true
> >                 });
> >         if (elemsToShow.length > 0)
> >                 animList.push ({
> >                         selector                : elemsToShow,
> >                         effect                  : self.show,
> >                         params                  : [self.showSpeed],
> >                         callback                : function (){},
> >                         callbackOnce    : true
> >                 });
> >         if (animList.length > 0)
> >         {
> >                 // Tag the final item in the queue with the done callback
> >                 animList [animList.length - 1].callback = function (){alert
> > ('done');};
> >                 // Create effects queue
> >                 while (animList.length > 0)
> >                 {
> >                         thisQueue?
> >                                 $.fxQueue.add (thisQueue, animList.shift 
> > ()):
> >                                 thisQueue = $.fxQueue.start (animList.shift 
> > ());
> >                 }
> >         }
> >         else
> >                 alert ('Nothing to do');
> > };
> > This nearly worked.  The first time I called this function the result
> > was that the alert would appear at the end of every point of the
> > sequence like in my earlier attempt, but on subsequent calls the alert
> > would only appear at the end of the sequence as I wanted to.
> > I tried replacing the empty functions with alert ('a'), alert ('b')
> > and alert ('c') for each respective step in the sequence.  I found
> > that on the first run through I'd get 'done' alerts for all steps in
> > the sequence, but for subsequent run throughs I'd get 'a', 'b', 'done'
> > as I expected and wanted to happen.
> > Does anyone with experience with the plugin I'm using have any insight
> > into what's going on here?

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