I am on my first week using jQuery and have a question
regarding rewriting a standard function that gets called
from Flash using External Interface:

The html page has a <div id="flashheader">
at top that is resized from a parameter (sent from flash)

the function is pretty standard:

function animateFlashDiv(param) {
   var targetHeight = Number(param);
   $('#flashheader').animate({height:targetHeight}, {duration: 1000,
easing: "easeinout"});

The resizing works, However, the call is interpreted as a "page
so the flash file 'reanimates' - goes to frame 1 and plays over

Might there be another way to phrase or register this function to
jQuery  that the
paramater is passed by the flash file - but the "page reload" is not

Here is the flash code as well:
function callInterface(param){

pointers appreciated - quite perplexing atm

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