You could use event bubbling. Set a click event handler on a parent element
that contains all of your clickable questions. In that click handler, check
"this" to see if it actually is one of the clickable questions and take your
action then.


> What I'm trying to figure out how to do is to have jQuery 
> handle multiple events on one page, that are pulled out a of 
> a database (can be any amount of numbers).
> A good example of what I'm trying to do would be a large FAQ 
> listing, where each question is clickable, which after it is 
> clicked, expands the answer under it.
> After doing all of the reading I've only found ways that 
> unless I manually specifiy each div differently, clicking on 
> one question will expand all of the answers. With a some what 
> random amount of questions on each page, how could I make it 
> so that it could check each question and expand each 
> individual answer?

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