Well bad example, I will not be using it will the id attribute, and I
will be getting more the one results, so $().attr() will not work.

On Jul 10, 3:41 am, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > with something like..
> > <img id="banner" alt="This is a banner" />
> > //[EMAIL PROTECTED]'banner']/@alt would return "This is a banner". Doing it 
> > this
> > way does not work, but is valid in 
> > XPatherhttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1192
> > Is there another way to do this in JQuery (I am currently just looping
> > the return and extracting the attribute if set)?
> jQuery supports (some) XPath for selecting things, but not the whole
> Spec. Try:
> var alt = $('#banner').attr('alt');
> Looping is pointless because an id is supposed to be unique in a
> document. Also I think the CSS selector syntax should be faster then
> your generic approach.
> --Klaus

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