oops, fixed.  Also, I fixed a mistake in the template.  I was including 2
heads/body tags.

If anyone has a page they wanted to test, I can make it live.

Send me
1. Source of the page without any JS. (Css paths should be absolute)
2. A list of selectors you want to test.  Should be specific to your page.
3. donate $1 to jQuery ;)


On 7/11/07, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Glen, you have a typo in the test. It should be jQuery v1.1.3.1! ;)

Glen Lipka wrote:
> Actually, I am putting my money where my mouth is:
> http://www.commadot.com/jquery/speedtest/
> This shows library SIZE and it also uses an actual website.  (My blog,
> which is typical of normal WordPress blogs).
> I'm still playing with the selectors.  not sure why some didnt find
> anything.
> Glen
> On 7/11/07, *Rey Bango* < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> wrote:
>     Jack actually points out the fact that "div div div" is pointless.
>     also gives a lot of kudos to jQuery and I'm glad for that. He even
>     mentioned John's nth child script and how well-written it is. I like
>     fact that he, in a roundabout way, calls out other libs on the use
>     pointless selectors and the tweaking towards XPath.
>     I would venture to say that when SlickSpeed was first posted by
>     MooTools, very few developers actually compared the results in IE.
IE is
>     still the dominant browser and if you look at the performance of the
>     libs in IE, you'll see that jQuery really performed well while
>     fell on their face.
>     While the results don't show us to the be the fastest, I think the
>     helps to validate John Resig's position that the selectors in these
>     tests don't represent real-world examples and certainly shows the
>     of consistent performance by other libs when using the leading
>     In terms of performance, we're well within effective speed ranges so
>     you mentioned, Glen, 10ms is irrelevant. I see this as Jack's way of
>     quieting the other groups and not specifically targeted at jQuery.
>     Rey...
>     Glen Lipka wrote:
>      > http://extjs.com/blog/2007/07/10/css-selectors-speed-myths/
>      >
>      > <rant>
>      > "div div div", we are slowest by like 50 ms, but "div div" we are
>      > slowest, and within 9ms of the leader.
>      > Who uses "div div div"?
>      >
>      >   <pun>
>      >       What "div"ference does it make?
>      >   </pun>
>      >
>      > Plus, some of the libraries are packed, and some are
>     not.  (jQuery is not)
>      >
>      > Would that change the results?
>      >
>      > Are we really nitpicking about 10's of milliseconds?
>      > No mention of file size again.  No mention of capabilities in the
>     core.
>      >
>      > </rant>
>      >
>      > Glen
>     --
>     BrightLight Development, LLC.
>     954-775-1111 (o)
>     954-600-2726 (c)
>     http://www.iambright.com <http://www.iambright.com>

BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775-1111 (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

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