Brian Cherne wrote:
I've recently updated my jVariations plug-in (not sure if anyone was using the old version). It is a developer tool that allows you to toggle variations (aka corner cases) on a single HTML page. Useful for rapid visualization of code changes... before weaving in the real DHTML calls or handing files over to server-side engineers.

Once again, this is very nicely done. I have two suggestions. I am using the older version (and will upgrade to this one soon) and I use it with a bookmarklet/favelet something like this:

  <a href="javascript:void($('#jvariations').toggle());">Variations</a>

This lets me toggle the console from the browser's chrome. It's very handy. You might want to suggest that in your documentation/demo page.

Second might be harder if striving to get older versions of IE right, but can be very useful too: Position the console as position:fixed. I don't know how that will play with your drag and drop implementation, but it's annoying to have to drag that around the page when I scroll. If it was "fixed" then it would follow the scroll, but I could still move it to wherever I wanted in the viewport with the DnD.

In any case, great job!

  -- Scott

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