This application is so much fun, especially on Facebook :)

Well done Remy

On 7/13/07, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The new continues hot and heavy this morning.

Developer extraordinaire Remy Sharp, posted on the list about a fun app
he developed call Speech Bubbles. Using bookmarklets, it would allow you
to attach speech bubbles to specific parts of web pages. It was REALLY
cool and Remy got a lot of kudos from the jQuery community.

Well, it looks like others have also fallen in love with this app as
Ajaxian has now picked up on this and made a post about Remy's work. Go
check it out here:

and show your support for Remy.


BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775-1111 (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

Tane Piper

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