It's a little hard to follow what your trying to do.
Can you post the page somewhere?


On 7/12/07, navvywavvy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've got two forms. When the page loads, both of the forms are hidden
from view with display: none;.

When Button1 is clicked, I want Form1 to appear.
When Button2 is clicked, I want Form2 to appear.

If Form1 is visible and Button1 is clicked, I want Form1 to disappear
and THEN I want Form2 to appear.
If Form2 is visible and Button2 is clicked, I want Form2 to disappear
and THEN I want Form2 to appear.

I can't seem to find a way to make these chain properly. If one of the
forms was visible from the get-go, it could work just fine, but
because in the beginning they're both hidden, it won't work. Here is
my code:

// Show Form1
                // Hide the Form2 if necessary

// Show Form2
        function() {
                // Hide Form1 if necessary

Obviously the reason they are not "chaining" is because they're not
chained in the code, but if I did it like this:

$("Form1:visible").slideUp(function() {

I would have the problem that I mentioned above where Form2 would only
appear if Form1 was already visible.

So, how can I make this work?

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