This was identified about a week ago:

We're checking into it and should have a fix in place by 1.1.4 (which
should be coming out soon).


On 7/13/07, Renaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm not sure I'm missing something in the documentation but I've
upgraded jquery to and it seems that the inline events set in
the html are not triggered when calling trigger().


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#test2').click(function() { $('#test').trigger("change");
alert('bleh'); });
<p id="test2">boooo</p>
<select onchange="alert('bleh');" id="test">

When using 1.1.2, the alert pops up when loading the page and when
changing the select value. In 1.1.3, it won't popup on page load nor
on clicking #test2, only when changing the select.

Am I missing something? I know one shouldn't use inline event
registration but it's a legacy application I'm slowly moving to

If it's a normal behaviour since 1.1.3, how could I programmatically
trigger what's in the inline event?


Kind regards,

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