Probably a stupid question, but how to retrieves these files by svn ?

Glen Lipka wrote:
Information on the next gen of Interface:
Plugin Home: http://docs.jquery .com/UI <>
Discussion board specifically for it: jquery-ui <> Codebase: <>

In progress, getting lots of attention.  Looks cool.


On 7/13/07, *Benjamin Sterling* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    John says it is still being supported, outside of that, I don't
    know if there is going to be a 2.0.

    On 7/13/07, * Jack Killpatrick* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

        Hi All,

        I need to make a decision on whether to use the Interface
        plugin or not
        for a new project. I think I remember a post from the author a few
        months ago saying that a 2.0 version was on the horizon, along
        with a
        video file of an app built using it (which was pretty rockin),
        but since
        then I don't remember seeing anything. I've used it for
        various past
        projects, but if it won't be tested by the author and updated
        to align
        with new jquery releases, get bug fixes, enhancements, etc....
        and no
        one else is going to take over the project, well :-|

        I also know that a jquery UI project is on the roadmap, but am
        not sure
        if that's meant as a "replacement" for Interface, has any of the
        Interface people working on it (therefore abandoning
        Interface), etc.

        Anyone know the scoop?


-- Benjamin Sterling

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