Hi there. Yep, I'm part of the jQuery Evangelism team. In fact, I'm the team lead for that and we have 4 people dedicated to spreading the word about jQuery.

I'm very sorry you've experienced some issues posting to the mailing list. The response for most users is fairly good and I can assure you that 24 hours is very out of the ordinary.

I'm going to look at the user manager in our Google setup to see if you are being moderated for some reason and if so, I'll fix that.

Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. We do try very hard to make this list accomodating to newcomers and in fact, have very strict rules on how people are treated on this list.

We'll get it worked out.


AtlantaGeek wrote:
Are you really on the JQuery evangelism team?  Is there such a thing?
If so, perhaps some of your work should center around making this
group a little more friendly to newcomers.  At present, it seems that
new members postings are moderated.  I have been experiencing 10 hour
(and now more than 10 hour) delays.  I can only assume this is due to
moderation, since Google groups does not really inform the poster of
this.  You just have to dig around and find it.  Moderation at first
is fine.  I'm not unaware of the problem with spammers, etc.  But I've
posted a number of times now and had a number of answers and I think
it's easily determined that I'm not misusing this group.  When trying
to complete projects for clients, these delays are very painful.  At
present it seems I have one or two postings that are 24 hour old and
have not shown up, yet.  Who knows how long this will take to post.  I
sent an e-mail to the group owner - whoever that is - asking to be
released from moderation, but have not received a reply.

On Jul 13, 10:10 am, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey man, thats why I'm on the jQuery evangelism team. I gotta stay on
top of this good stuff!!! :D


Priest, James (NIH/NIEHS) [C] wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Rey Bango [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 9:47 AM
Jim Priest does an excellent job of reviewing the first couple of
chapter's of Karl Swedberg's newly released jQuery book,
Rey - Do you ever sleep!?!
I JUST posted that to my blog and was getting ready to post something
here but Rey beat me to it! :)
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BrightLight Development, LLC.
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