Hi Mike,

I am using Windows2000/XP, and browser is IE6/IE7/Firefox2.

The url you can try is http://peds2.caitco.com, this is a chinese
version, hope . Please just try it at random:)

When we using a powerful CPU, it is not a problem. For example my PC's
CPU is AMD2600+. And it only consume about 30% CPU by using IE, 20% by
using FF. And BlockUI is fast enough.

But when my test engineers test the system with an old machine, which
CPU less than 1Gz, blockUI will make the CPU 100% and need 2-5 seconds
to wait even which real operation might only take less than 1 second.

I mean there still have a lot of old machine there, and we still need
consider them. What do you say?



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