Hi, all!

This morning i put together a plugin which provides a basic
filemanager-like view, called BogoFolders:


In short, it uses two HTML elements: one holds a list of icons/label
(e.g., the "file list") and one holds the content of the currently-
selected entry from the "file list."

It can be considered Beta software. While there are still a number of
significant missing features and a minor bug or two, it basically
works as advertised.

For the full list of known bugs and (potential) TODOs, see the docs in
the uncompressed source file.

It was tested in FF 2.x and Konqueror 3.5.7 (in Konqi, *some* icons
require two clicks to activate them - no idea why).

If anyone out there has MSIE (anyone? anyone? Bueller?), i would love
to know if it works (or not) in IE. Same for Opera and Safari, though
i must admit i honestly don't give much of a hoot if it doesn't work
in those browsers.


Happy hacking!

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