Hey everyone -

Here's some upcoming events in San Francisco, relating to jQuery:

SF jQuery Meetup

On July 26, we are taking the opportunity to invite everyone in the
jQuery community to meetup at the Gordon Biersch San Francisco Brewery
for drinks appetizers and debugging.  We are open source, so BYOCC
(Bring Your Own Credit Card).

Venue: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/venue/7961/

Yehuda Katz has special jQuery SWAG for the first 25 jQueriers to buy
another member of the community a drink. Additionally, we should have
a couple extra copies of the brand-new Learning jQuery book by Karl
Swedberg  & <Jonathan Chaffer.

We hope you can make it.  Sign up and see you then!


Ajax Experience West 2007

The good folks over at Ajaxian and TechTarget have put together a
great conference, July 25-27.  Speakers are varied, talking about the
latest and greatest from the world of rich web development.   Speakers
include Brendan Eich, CTO of Mozilla; Creator of JavaScript. Chris
Wilson, Internet Explorer Platform Architect and Kevin Lynch, Chief
Software Architect, Adobe.  It promises to be a lively and interesting

More exciting than even those speakers, there will be two jQuery
representatives speaking: John Resig and Glen Lipka.

John will be giving 3 sessions, two on jQuery:
* Introduction to jQuery
* Advanced jQuery
* Client-Side Framework Overview

Additionally, John will be speaking on a panel, at Friday's lunch, on
the future of Ajax.

And Glen will be giving a talk on jQuery:
* jQuery For Designers

There will be a number of other jQuery users, and team members, in
attendance (including Yehuda Katz and Michael Geary).

Blog post:

Thanks Glen for helping to write this up!


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