Here is a post from John Resig regarding making your own copy of jquery:

You can download jQuery from SVN and build your own copy. If you were
to open the Makefile that's included with jQuery you'd see a list of
files that are to be included in jQuery directly - you can then remove
the Ajax and FX modules and build a new copy. I realize that this is
convoluted, and we're working on a better way - but at least it's
something for now.

On 7/18/07, Brandon Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you have ability too, you should really enable HTTPCompression. If you
use HTTPCompression and jquery.min.js the file size will only be a little
over 10k. Not to mention the rest of your page will also decrease in file

Brandon Aaron

On 7/18/07, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I really like JQuery, and I try to use it, and I think it's big script
> in some kind 22KB! the rest of my page less than 12K. I think we can
> customize JQuery. I mean drop any function, class or method we don't
> use. I hope the developer make a program show this methods, classes or
> functions then we can select what we need to use then the customized
> script will be generated. maybe we can lose some size.
> I think its possible. do you think it's a greate idea.
> Azzoz Al-Hassany

Benjamin Sterling

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