Also, check out, this may help.

On 7/18/07, Benjamin Sterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GC,
> It is working for me in IE6, style is off a bit, but it is working.
> Although you can make:
> $("entry/date",xmlDataSet)[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue
> to:
> $("entry:eq("+i+")/date",xmlDataSet).text();
> $("entry/pb",xmlDataSet)[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue
> to
> $("entry:eq("+i+")/pb",xmlDataSet).text();
> this:
> $(window).bind("load", function() {
>       setTimeout("Visualizza()",1000);
> });
> should/could be:
> $(document).ready(function() {
>       setTimeout("Visualizza()",1000);
> });
> On 7/18/07, GianCarlo Mingati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi list,
> > today at work i had to build a news ticker based on XML (Ajax).
> > I'm "sponsoring" jquery so much that they told me: ok let's see what
> > jquery can do.
> > And voilĂ , i ended up with this "experiment":
> >
> >
> > The problem is that this fails totally at reading the XML file in IE
> > both 6 and 7 while it works like a charm in FF and Opera.
> > Unfortunately this ticker will run inside an intranet app, under IE!
> > So you understand it is vital that it works in IE.
> > If you experts (i'm a total newbie i just bought the book "learning
> > jquery") may have a look at the code and please explain why it does
> > not work i'll reach two goals:
> > 1) let jquery become THE js framework for most apps in one of the
> > biggest banking group in italy, 2) "save me" from a bad figure ;-)
> >
> > Also i bought the book from backtbublishing, you know, "learnig
> > jquery" and on the book they say that to 'load' an XML file it is
> > sufficent to say $.get("thenameofmyxmlfile.xml" etcetera...) but that
> > NOT work at all.
> > I used such syntax found over here on the list:
> > $.ajax({
> >                 type: "GET",
> >                 url: "tickerdata.xml",
> >                 dataType: "xml",
> >                 success: function(xmlData)
> >                 {
> >                         xmlDataSet = xmlData;
> >                         browseXML();
> >                 }
> >         });
> >
> > that works, but it's TOTALLY different from what the book says.
> > So what is the method to load a static (for now) XML file with jquery?
> > I'll appreciate any help.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Cheers
> > GC
> >
> >
> > > >
> >
> --
> Benjamin Sterling

Benjamin Sterling

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