Okay, your reply finally showed up a day after the group said you made
it.  :)  I'm glad you like it, I just wish I knew how to make it work
in IE

On Jul 18, 5:17 pm, "Jonathan Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gordon,
> That's really slick!
> -js
> On 7/18/07, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Finally got my net access on my dev machine back.  :)  Here's my
> > code.
> > var myTrigger;
> > var progressElem = $('#progressCounter');
> > $.ajax ({
> >        type            : 'GET',
> >        dataType        : 'xml',
> >        url                     : 'somexmlscript.php' ,
> >        beforeSend      : function (thisXHR)
> >        {
> >                myTrigger = setInterval (function ()
> >                {
> >                        if (thisXHR.readyState > 2)
> >                        {
> >                                var totalBytes  = 
> > thisXHR.getResponseHeader('Content-length');
> >                                var dlBytes             =
> > thisXHR.responseText.length;
> >                                (totalBytes > 0)?
> >                                        progressElem.html 
> > (Math.round((dlBytes / totalBytes) * 100) +
> > "%"):
> >                                        progressElem.html 
> > (Math.round(dlBytes / 1024) + "K");
> >                        }
> >                }, 200);
> >        },
> >        complete        : function ()
> >        {
> >                clearInterval (myTrigger);
> >        },
> >        success         : function (response)
> >        {
> >                // Process XML
> >        }
> > });
> > It produces the desired results in Firefox 1.5, Safari3/Win and Opera
> > 9.  But Internet Explorer produces no result at all.  It doesn't even
> > throw an error.  While it's not strictly necessary for there to be a
> > download progress report I'd personally like to see it used far more
> > often in AJAX apps than it actually is, and I really want to make this
> > code 1005 cross-browser.
> > On Jul 18, 2:59 pm, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Okay, I've got some code now that works well in all the major browsers
> > > except for IE.  I can't post the code just now but I'll put it up as
> > > soon as I get proper net access back on the other computer.  Oddly it
> > > doesn't throw any errors in IE, it simply doesn't produce any
> > > results.
> > > Gordon wrote:
> > > > I have been thinking about how to do this all morning.  At first I
> > > > thought it wouldn't be possible because the XHR object doesn't seem to
> > > > have a property for the amount of data downloaded.  But I have come up
> > > > with a possible work around.  I have jotted some pseudocode down and
> > > > am researching how well this approach might work, but unfortunately
> > > > something's gone wrong with the firewall at work and my ability to
> > > > browse and find practical solutions is badly compromised just now.
> > > > Anyway, here's my pseudocode:
> > > > On (XHR enters stage 3)
> > > > {
> > > >     Create an interval timer;
> > > > }
> > > > On (XHR enters stage 4)
> > > > {
> > > >     Destroy timer;
> > > > }
> > > > On (Timer event)
> > > > {
> > > >     If (fetching XML)
> > > >         Get ResponseXML length;
> > > >     else
> > > >         Get ResponseText length;
> > > >     If (Content-length header set)
> > > >         return (percent downloaded);
> > > >     else
> > > >         return (bytes downloaded);
> > > > }
> > > > Gordon wrote:
> > > > > I am trying to figure out a way of displaying how far along an AJAX
> > > > > download is.  Assuming I know the size of the file being downloaded
> > > > > (this will require the server to send a content-length header) then
> > if
> > > > > I can check the number of bytes downloaded thus far I should be able
> > > > > to work out the download progress.
> > > > > So what I need to know, how can you get the value of the content-
> > > > > length header if it is set, and how can you check the number of
> > bytes
> > > > > sent periodically?  I can then display a percentage for the case
> > where
> > > > > both are known, or simply a count of downloaded bytes when I don't
> > > > > know the content length.

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