If you want to play about with user agents, this plugin for FF does the trick


It allows you to change the user agent as reported OS on the fly.

Stehphan - I'm not sure if it would work - but try out the Firebug
mini-debug server.  It was designed for debugging the iPhone remotley,
you might be able to get the PSP to work.

On 7/20/07, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jul 20, 5:31 am, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.user-agents.org/
> I'm not associated with the site in anyway. I just thought that it would
> be a good resource for your guys.

Somewhat related, but even more off-topic: i got a Sony PSP yesterday.
The built-in web browser is fantastic when it comes to rendering CSS-
styled pages, and it claims to have JS support, but it the browser
hangs when i load any of my jQuery-powered pages. Not at all certain
why, and of course there's no browser debugging plugin for it (like


Tane Piper

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