Figured it out!

At this part

Just add...

However the only remaining issue is now I get very long dates. I get

Fri Jul 20 2007 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (EDT), Sat Jul 21 2007 00:00:00
GMT-0400 (EDT)

I would like:

Fri Jul 20 2007, Sat Jul 21 2007

I would like to loose the Time information in the array of dates. Does
anyone know how this could be done?

On Jul 19, 8:23 pm, newbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> ------------------------
> Current Issue
> ------------------------
> I currently have a form that offers users a date picker to select
> multiple dates. Currently the text field will only update it's self to
> show the last date selected.
> Does anyon know how I can take the array of "selectedDates" and update
> the textfield with the multiple dates once they "close" the calendar
> for that selected input ? If I had 3 dates selected ideally the input
> values would seperate each entry with a " , " and an example could
> look like "01/01/07, 01/02/07, 01/03/07".
> ------------------------
> Code Below
> ------------------------
> TR/html4/strict.dtd">
> <html lang="en">
> <head>
>         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
>         <title>untitled</title>
>         <!-- jQuery -->
>                         <script type="text/javascript" 
> src="jquery-1.1.2.js"></script>
>                 <!-- required plugins -->
>                         <script type="text/javascript" src="date.js"></script>
>                         <script type="text/javascript" 
> src="jquery.dimensions.js"></script>
>                         <!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript"
> src="jquery.bgiframe.js"></script><![endif]-->
>                 <!-- jquery.datePicker.js -->
>                         <script type="text/javascript" 
> src="jquery.datePicker.js"></script>
>                 <!-- datePicker required styles -->
>                         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"
> href="datePicker.css">
>                 <!-- page specific styles -->
>                         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"
> href="demo.css">
>                 <!-- page specific scripts -->
>                         <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
>                     $(function()
>                                 {
>                                         $('.date-pick')
>                                                 .datePicker(
>                                                         {
> createButton:true,
> displayClose:true,
> closeOnSelect:false,
> selectMultiple:true
>                                                         }
>                                                 )
>                                                 .bind(
>                                                         'click',
>                                                         function()
>                                                         {
> $(this).dpDisplay();
>                                                                 this.blur();
>                                                                 return false;
>                                                         }
>                                                 )
>                                                 .bind(
>                                                         'dateSelected',
>                                                         function(e, 
> selectedDate, $td, state)
>                                                         {
> console.log('You ' + (state ? '' : 'un') // wrap
>                                                                         + 
> 'selected ' + selectedDate);
>                                                         }
>                                                 )
>                                                 .bind(
>                                                         'dpClosed',
>                                                         function(e, 
> selectedDates)
>                                                         {
> console.log('You closed the date picker and the ' // wrap
>                                                                         + 
> 'currently selected dates are:');
> console.log(selectedDates);
>                                                         }
>                                                 );
>                                 });
>                         </script>
> </head>
> <body>
>  <div id="container">
>             <h1>jquery.datePicker</h1>
>                         <p><a href="index.html">&lt; date picker home</a></p>
>                         <form name="chooseDateForm" id="chooseDateForm" 
> action="#">
>                             <label for="date1">Date 1: Pick a range of
> dates</label><br>
>                                                         <input name="date1" 
> id="date1" class="date-pick" value=""/>
>                                                         <br><br>
>                             <label for="date2">Date 1: Pick a range of
> dates<</label><br>
>                                                         <input name="date2" 
> id="date4" class="date-pick" value=""/>
>                         </form>
> </body>
> </html>

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