Got it using, Klaus's cookie plugin.

$(function() {
        $("#languages").bind('change', function() {
                var country = $(this).val();
                if(country) {
                        $('#countryFlag').attr("src", "images/" + country + 
                        $.cookie('language', country); // set cookie

On Jul 20, 3:32 pm, Danjojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am I able to set client-side cookies with JQuery?
> That would be REALLY great!! I could store the Language state in this
> cookie.
> $(function() {
>         $("#languages").bind('change', function() {
>                 var country = $(this).val();
>                 if(country) {
>                         $('#countryFlag').attr("src", "images/" + country + 
> ".gif");
>                 }
>         });
> });
> Believe it or not I never got good or was able to write cookies in
> javascript, they seemed incredibly overly-complex for my liking..
> being an .asp hacker over the years *if* I needed state I would store
> them in the Session object.

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