
>Hey all -- I'm new to the list (but not so new to jQuery), and was
>hoping I could get some assistance regarding what appears to be a bug
>in the .animate function when running under IE6.  Inside a .click
>function assigned to a specific anchor tag, I call .animate using
>jQuery  It works in Firefox and Safari, but IE6 reports a
>runtime error.  When I switch to jQuery 1.1.2, it works (mostly).  The
>first animate sequence doesn't slide, but merely re-draws when the
>final frame is done, but all subsequent animations work fine.
>Perhaps this is due to my standalone IE6 (from evolt), as I've seen it
>have other weird problems with JS, too.  I'm running IE7 installed,
>Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
>I've posted a demo of the issue at the following location (sans a few

What happens if you change the doctype from "strict" to transitional? My
experience with using a strict XHTML declaration almost always causes me
trouble in IE6.


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