So is there a way for me to access these event handlers as they are
not available through the onXXXEvent attributes anymore?


On Jul 21, 10:57 am, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My understanding is that element.onevent isn't used anymore in jQuery.
> As of 1.1.3 it uses addEventListener / attachEvent instead.  These
> allow you to attach multiple event listeners to an element and as far
> as I know don't add anything to the onevent attribute they listen
> to.
> On Jul 21, 6:25 am, Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In short, it seems that the event handler function registered via the
> > bind() method is not available through the element's onXXX attributes.
> > For example:
> > $('#myEle').bind('click', function(){
> >   // do something
> > });
> > but the myEle.onclick attribute is still undefined after the above
> > bind() call. The handler is registered into the $events hash, I
> > believe, but I couldn't figure out how to get the reference to it.
> > Can anyone help me out? Thanks!

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