There is no way AFAIK for JavaScript to capture a webcam stream, like
Flash can capture the stream.  But JavaScript can capture the image
from an HTTP stream.  I got this code from

newImage = new Image();

function LoadNewImage() {
   var unique = new Date(); = newImage.src;
   newImage.src = "http://path/to/webcam.jpeg?time="; + unique.getTime();

If the users webcam is being served by an application that can serve
the image via HTTP, then you could capture an image from their stream
using this and then manipulate it.

On 7/25/07, Web Specialist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
jQuery haves plugins available for web images capture? I'm developing a
ColdFusion application to store visitors personal data including your photo.
What I'm looking for:

- webcam captures visitor photo via iframe(or another solution) in our form
- users(application) can cut that photo via jQuery;
- after all that image is saved in our server;

Is it a dream? ;-)


Tane Piper

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