There is a plugin that dies speed up the selection of DOM elements a

This plugin speeds up use of $('#id'). Use of $('#id') may be anywhere
between 10 and 40 times slower than using $
(document.getElementById('id')), depending
on the browser used. I don't know about you, but I personally use $
('#id') a lot and
really need the speed up. With this plugin, $('#id') is typically only
up to 10%
slower than $(document.getElementById('id')), and often not even
measurable (110%
vs 4000%, not bad I would say!).

Hope i helped :)

On 22 Jul., 11:28, NeilM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Guys,
> That has been very helpful.
> On Jul 12, 4:52 pm, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yeah, as Klaus mentioned, it is a tiny bit faster if you leave out the
> > 'img'.
> > The real optimization you can do is to avoid using the same selector
> > repeatedly. In a way, jQuery makes it too easy to write inefficient code:
> >    $('#foo').doSomething();
> >    // ...later...
> >    $('#foo').doSomethingElse();
> > Replace that with:
> >    var $foo = $('#foo');
> >    $foo.doSomething();
> >    // ...later...
> >    $foo.doSomethingElse();
> > As you can see, I use $variableName as a convention to remind me that the
> > variable is a jQuery object.
> > This will make more of a difference with slower selectors like
> > $('.someClass'). Even though jQuery is much faster than it used to be, it's
> > still faster if you can avoid repeating the selector query at all.
> > -Mike
> > > From: NeilM
> > > I have just started to use jQuery in my web development and
> > > have a question concerning optimising element selection.
> > > I find that I create a lot of references to id'd elements:
> > > <img id="myImage" src="todaysimage.gif" width="20" height="20" />
> > > Then, in my JavaScript, I want to obtain a reference to the element.
> > > Now, even though it has an id, I tend to use the full CSS
> > > descriptor as, to me anyway, it makes the code more readable:
> > > $("img#myImage").addClass("border");
> > > My question is, apart from the overhead of some extra
> > > characters in the script (e.g. 'img#'), does this style of
> > > specification introduce a performance overhead internally
> > > within jQuery? Would/does jQuery optimise the element
> > > selection process if it just 'sees' a simple id string
> > > starting with a #?
> > > $("#myImage").addClass("border");

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