I seen this come up many times.

What I know has worked in the past as context included selectors as
well (without the $)
$("#invalid_email_address", '#mymainarea').html();

so if 'data' were a variable of same said type or allowable types,
wouldn't that still work?

On Jul 27, 8:54 am, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What happens if you change:
>             alert( $("#invalid_email_address",data).html() );
> To:
>             alert( $("#invalid_email_address", $(data)).html() );
> I did not think the context for jQuery would expect a string. I thought it
> had to be a jQuery or DOM object.
> The documentation does not state a string will work for 
> context.http://docs.jquery.com/Core
> $( expr, context )
> Return value: jQuery
> Parameters:
> expr (String): An expression to search with
> context (Element|jQuery): (optional) A DOM Element, Document or jQuery to
> use as context
> -Dan

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