On Jul 27, 8:11 pm, "Rick Faircloth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just think we need some kind of automated system to keep everything
> up-to-date
> without breaking anything versus having to manually perform updates to jQ,
> et al.

I've mentioned this before, but I own the domain MyJQuery.com. My
intent was to use it to address this kind of concern, for one.

My goal was to have the site automatically grab the latest versions of
jquery and plugins and allow users to group them together into a
single "distribution" that they call "My JQuery". When any plugin is
updated, their distribution would be updated and they could always
grab the latest version of their js file. Or even link directly to it
off the server and it would be dynamically assembled each time with
the latest pieces.

Or, if they wanted to include only specific versions of jquery or
plugins, they could specify that to make sure that their components
would not be upgraded. This way you would have a single place to get
all your different jquery components. Instead of having a small 20k
jquery lib, you may have a 60k MyJQuery lib that includes everything
you need on a regular basis and stays updated with the latest bug
fixes and enhancements.

If anyone thinks this is a good idea and wants to develop this kind of
functionality, I'd be willing to point or transfer the domain to a
site that offers this kind of service.

Matt Kruse

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