In my experience I've found that if stuff works in Safari/Win it
almost always works in safari/mac and vice versa.  I think it's safe
to assume the Windows version is built with the same codebase as the
Mac version with tweaks to take account of the change in operating

On Jul 29, 7:44 pm, Maggi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> This is something I've already tried.  I've heard that Safari on
> Windows does not have the same "HTML engine" like Safari on Mac.  You
> know if that's true?
> Sincerely,
> Magnus
> On Jul 29, 1:38 pm, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maggi,
> > If you're on Windows then I would suggest downloading Safari 3 for Windows:
> >
> > There are also services that will provide screenshots for your public pages:
> > Any browser:
> > Safari only:
> > Mike
> > On 7/29/07, Maggi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hey guys!
> > > I was wondering if you had any tips / tricks for Cross Browser
> > > Checking?  I'm always having trouble with Safari and because I can't
> > > get to a Safari browser on Mac every day it kinda gets left behind and
> > > that sucks because a large % of my visitors use Safari on Mac.
> > > Any ideas?

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