Chango wrote:
Hi, i'm using the jquery.history_remote Plugin (http:// Klaus!

My question is: How to make SET a hash foreach content showed into
"Chapter" DIV?

I'm using this to submit a Search Form to chapter div:

function load (url, formname) {
var params = $('#'+formname).fastSerialize();
var fragment = $.param( params );
//here i get the inputs from the Form
type : "GET",
url: url,
data : fragment,
// Send the inputs to search.php using Method GET (eg. cars red)
// once i get the results... (HTML formated code)
success : function(resp){$('#chapter').html(resp);},
complete : [SET THE resp into the History, so back buttons can show
last searches to/in the same DIV]

... i think is a triggered click.

Graph of my idea:
[History Initialized] -> [FORM Submit] -> [Process and get results] ->
[Show Results in  Chapter DIV] -> [SET THE REFERENCE for back Button]

Well, i'm lost.. Thanks!
PD: Sorry my bad english, i got no reply from the Spanish Mailing
List  :)

Chango, I'm not sure if this is supported. As I see it, my history plugin is more of a lightweight solution as opposed to the full blown history/state managers out there like the one YUI has for example.

Of course I'd like to enhance the plugin someday (it is also broken in Safari 3 as they fixed a bug that was used to enable history in the first place), but I have too many things on the list anyway and don't know when to do it.

I'm not sure if you can already make it work with what's there. If you have a link that points to some anchor you can attach a click event handler and enable history for it.

The click handler would submit the form and load the new data. But it would still not be dynamic, e.g you couldn't save the state the form was in.


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