Dan G. Switzer, II wrote:
> Kai,
>> How can I make my #wait container show only if there is a delay in the
>> response. Let's say that I
>> only want to show it if there is no response within 2 seconds.

> $(document).ready(function(){
>    // cache "wait" result
>    var $wait = $("#wait");
>    var iWaitTimeout = setTimeout(
>      function(){
>        // show wait-box
>        $wait.css({opacity: 0}).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 3000);
>      },
>      // wait 2 seconds
>      2000
>    );
>    // load content
>    $('#content').load('content.php', function() {
>       // prevent the "wait" from showing
>       clearTimeout(iWaitTimeout);
>       // make sure wait is hidden
>       $wait.hide(); 
>    });
> });
> You could expand on this to only do the hide if the #wait layer is visible
> (although the overhead to hide a layer is pretty minimal.)

Thanks! That was exactly what I wanted.

But I still have a problem. I also want to animate the height. And to prevent 
the #wait box to show, 
I add the default opacity and height to the CSS. But the height don't toggle...

Instead of:
$wait.css({opacity: 0}).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 3000);

I do this:

#wait { opacity: 0; height: 0px }

JavaScript to show #wait
$wait.animate({ opacity: 1, height: 'toggle' }, 3000);

But the height doesn't toggle!


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