I need a way of determining a parent element of the element at the mouse position at the time of a double click.

Specifically I'd need to find the 'parent' header (H1, H2, H3, etc) based on the DOM element that a user clicks on. Parent in this case being the closest header in the stack, since DOM elements are not children of header tags.

Thus, in a document structure below, when the user clicks on paragraph 2, the h3 DOM element is returned, click on paragraph 3 and the second h2 is returned (where paragraphs are any valid DOM elements):
   paragraph 1

   paragraph 2

   paragraph 3

Thinking about it, I may be able to bind mouse events to all paragraphs, and then determine the parent header -- problem there is the text under the header could be any valid html, not just paragraphs; alternately somehow find the mouse coordinates, and then the DOM element under those coordinates...?

Suggestions and alternate approaches appreciated,

 ~ ~ Dave

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