You should open up a ticket on this:

If this is something that YUI is normalizing, then we probably should as well.


On 7/31/07, Andy Martone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've come across some strange behavior in IE7.  Sometimes when an
> XmlHttpRequest receives a 204 (No Content) HTTP status code on the
> response, IE sets the XmlHttpRequest object's status property to
> 1223.  In my code, this seems to be happening when my server is
> returning a 204 from a PUT request - IE seems to be handling the 204
> from a DELETE request okay.
> Anyhow, jQuery's httpSuccess function is (quite understandably)
> interpreting the 1223 response as a failure.  I tacked on another
> condition to the end of the if statement:
> jQuery.browser.msie && r.status == 1223
> This seems to fix the problem.  However, my overall jQuery knowledge
> is pretty limited, so I'm not aware of any potential side effects.
> A quick Google search turns up a few references to this bug on the
> intertubes, but I can't find anything on MSDN (surprise surprise).
> Yahoo's toolkit normalizes the 1223 response back to 204:
> Any chance a fix for this can make it into the next version of jQuery?

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