Klaus Hartl wrote:
  > Couldn't you add an element as direct child to the body, for which you
> define:
> position: absolut;
> visibility: hidden;
> height: 1em;
> font-size: 100% !important;
> Then you can just poll the height of that element, e.g. the offsetHeight 
> and get the current pixel value. That would even work if the default 
> size has been changed.
> And it would not only work for the body element, it should work 
> whereever you append that element. The jqem plugin works in a similiar 
> way and I think I have seen something like that somewhere else already, 
> maybe in YUI.

I've run into this before, and came up with pretty much the same 
solution as Klaus:


which you can call like so:


One known bug is that it won't work for elements that don't accept 
content, like <img /> or <input />.


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