I don't think many actually use !== (and when you would want to use
it) and many sites that show usage of operators don't cover !== (but
do have ===).

3 != '3'     false
3 !== '3'    true
3 == '3'     true
3 === '3'    false

On Aug 1, 9:33 pm, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I...cannot figure how what the heck === is.
> I see that Jake answered your question, but just for next time...
> You may have tried a Google search for "javascript ===" and been
> disappointed to find it returned no useful results (because Google seems to
> ignore the === in the search).
> The key thing to know is that ===, like most special symbols in JavaScript
> such as + and -, is an operator. Now you can do a more productive Google
> search:
> http://www.google.com/search?q=javascript+operators
> This will help when you run into !== and wonder what the heck *that* one is.
> :-)
> -Mike

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