
This really isn't much to go on.  Can you post more of your code?  Or
create a small page that demonstrates the problem?


On 8/2/07, danilow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't post a demo page, but using the firebug, he sad that I have an
> error in this line of my formplugin.js:
> var a = this.formToArray(options.semantic);
> The value of each element of this line is this:
> this = [ form#insereExame_salvarExame.php ]
> formToArray = function()
> options = Object url=corpo/exames/_salvarExame.php type=post
> semantic = undefined
> Can someone help-me?
> On 31 jul, 15:20, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Most likely there is a script error occurring inIE.  Can you post a demo 
> > page?
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > > Hi,
> > > I have some problems withformplugin in theIE7.
> > > Theform, doesn't submit with ajax submit, theformsubmit like a normal
> > >form.
> >
> > > In Firefox is all Ok.

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