On Aug 2, 7:46 pm, DaveG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I'd really like is a way to insert dom elements without automatic 
> closure taking place. I checked out jQ and didn't see a flag in the code; 
> although to be honest I'm not sure I fully understood what's going on in 
> there ;)

The automatic closure is happening due to HOW the functions like
after() and before() are implemented. When you pass HTML to them, they
use the browser-supplied DOM functions to create a miniature DOM tree.
Your BROWSER is what creates the tree and gives jQuery back a well-
formed DOM tree, which jQuery can than append/prepend/whatever to your
existing DOM tree. This is, in fact, the only sane way to implement
the behaviour, as implementing a full-fledged HTML parser into jQ
would increase its size by several times.

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