Mike Miller wrote:
Ok...so this is working somewhat...the issue I see now is that the
find() in the plugins are finding the "wrong row".

My table structure looks like this:

 - row1
     - cell 1
row 2
     -cell 1
     -cell 1

When we use the parents("table eq:(0)) I get a reference to the main
table containing all of the nested tables...however when using the
find...it is finding rows within the nested table.

Is there a way to make the find pertain only to the parent?


Yes, change this.find('tr') to this.find('>tr')

(function($) {
    $.fn.moveRowAfter = function(index, afterIndex)

        return this;



Also the code could be optimized a bit to only perform one search for the rows:

(function($) {
    $.fn.moveRowAfter = function(index, afterIndex) {
        var trs = this.find(">tr");
        return this;
    $.fn.moveRowBefore = function(index, beforeIndex) {
        var trs = this.find(">tr");
        return this;

Next iteration! :-) The code of both methods looks very similiar, why not make a single function out of it, save bytes and reduce possible maintenancing:

jQuery.fn.moveRow = function(from, to, useBefore) {
    var trs = this.find(">tr");
trs.eq(--from)['insert' + (useBefore && 'Before' || 'After')](trs.eq(--to));
    return this;


$('table tbody').moveRow(4, 1); // insert after is default

$('table tbody').moveRow(4, 1, true); // insert before

Cheers, Klaus

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