> You'll see on the apple site there is no bump at all.  It just slides
> without effecting any other areas of the menu.  I think this is
> because we are showing/hiding heights and the apple site is using
> absolute/static/relative positioning to get the effects.  Thoughts?

Hi there,

after John showed us a nice workaround using the animate function in
this thread:
I have done some more work on my plugin, so now there's no more
bumpin' around.

Also, the height of the accordion can now be calculated automatically
based on the largest section without fixing the height based on CSS.

In addition, I fixed the bug Gilles noted about elements not
responding sometimes, especially when clicking instead of hovering
over a main item.

And finally, I updated the Mac site-lookalike example to emulate the
effect with the first and last accordion header changing according to
their position.

The updated code and examples are available at


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