
>For example, in prototype, adds these methods to the form element
>disable enable findFirstElement focusFirstElement getElements
>getInputs request reset serialize serializeElements

As already stated by others, a lot of the those functions can be
accomplished easily enough with the jQuery core library or via the Form

I've also been developing an extension I call the Field Plug-in--which
offers more robust methods for getting/setting field values, as well as a
collection of other useful field-related functions.

One of the benefits of my getters and setters is that they're based on the
ideas I used in qForms (which I know you've used in the past)--which might
help in the transition. 

Between the Form, Field and Validation plug-ins you really have quite a bit
of power at your disposal. Throw in some of the other plug-ins--such as the
Masked Input, Select Box Manipulation to name a few--and you can really
quickly start building some complex UI rules.


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