Well, after a while and after talking to some people, I managed to
make it work. Let's hope this message gets posted before someone sees
my previous and wastes time providing me some example that I no longer
require (thank you though, just in case)...

div#cpblock-links a:link,
div#cpblock-links a:visited,
div#cpblock-links a:active {
        color: #ffffff;
        text-decoration: none;

div#cpblock-links a:hover {
        color: #535f68;
        text-decoration: none;

$('div#cpblock-links a').each(function(elem) {
        if(elem == 0) {
                startColor = $(this).css('color');
                endColor = $(this).clone(false).addClass('cpblock-

        $(this).mouseover(function() {
                $(this).css({ color: startColor }); // Little bug fix on first
                $(this).animate({ color: endColor }, 250);

        $(this).mouseout(function() {
                $(this).animate({ color: startColor }, 250);

Was something like this that you had in mind Giuliano Marcangelo?
Anyway, one thing I didn't really understood was what you meant by
"how practical would this be". What did you mean by that?

Anyway, if anyone has a better solution, more elegant I mean, without
the need to clone or create elements that are not really used besides
for this workaround. I would be glad to hear it out.

Thanks Giuliano Marcangelo.

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